Vacation Time and Space Planning

You want to go on vacation for 1-4 weeks and be fully present and away from work - or work while on vacation in a way that works for you.

You get your tickets and plan the vacation part of it. Together, we navigate the making space for it part.

We work on how available or unavailable you will be to your work, time management strategies for the pre-vacation rush of work so it feels manageable, letting go, being present with the people around you, delegation strategies, and re-entry strategies. I can also help you manage your business while you are away.


I believe wholeheartedly in vacations - downtime, exploration, meeting new people, seeing the world, expanding your possibilities, and resting your mind.


  • Preparation. We'll have a pre-vacation consultation to design a vacation that you desire. We will also look at your work flow, and decide on practical ways to clear your space and time for retreat.

  • Support. Get help with time management, systems, communication, and my support for unexpected opportunities that need a timely response.

  • Letting Go. Transition from being on the go and in your element to letting go to adventure and a shifted worldview.

  • Integration. Post-vacation coaching will help you ease back into work, organize the volume, and integrate what you learned on vacation moving forward.

Next Steps

Schedule a chat to start planning a vacation that feels like a vacation.