The Power of Inner Space
Self-awareness is powerful. Change begins with you.
Deep transformation starts with deeply knowing the self, which is why self-discovery is so powerful.
Knowing yourself, what moves you, what challenges you, and what you want to create helps you integrate your whole self to the life and career you lead.
Navigate your inner world with presence empowers you to make positive personal changes, and have positive intention for creating ripple effects. These ripple effects help you to transform your relationship, teams, and organizations.
Imagination, possibility thinking, and generative thinking empowers you to create a future that is healthy, whole, and fresh.
These workshops are designed to deeply empower personal transformation that matters, so you can show up as an alive, energized, and confident leader, fully owning your values and your value.
Designed to be dynamic and scaleable, from 1 hour interactive sessions to a deep dive series, we’ll create meaningful, human, and healthy impact.
The Workshops
Leadership Vision
Who are you? What’s your story? How do you empower others and lift people higher? What impact do you wish to have on others?
What values matter to you? This workshop is a creative and inspiring way to understand what you value and how can further integrate your values in your relationships, career, leadership, and thoughts.
What emotions and hard things happen during transformation? How can we go from the safe and known present to a more experimental, new and unknown future? We explore emotions, imagination, and resilience.
We explore fear, anger, sadness, disgust, surprise, joy, and love. What do feelings feel like in the body? What are the underlying messages of our emotions and the needs that they express? Understanding this wisdom in our emotions helps us show up in our relationships in conflict, imagination, change, feedback, and beyond. How can you skillfully honor your own and others’ emotions in a healthy way?
Believing in yourself, trusting that you can navigate any situation, and believing in your future takes inner work. We do the work together, and ask - how would you show up in the world if your primary allegiance is to yourself? How can you be your own fiercest advocate?
How can you integrate more play and fun in your life and work? It doesn’t all have to be so serious. Play connects people, sparks new thinking, reduces burnout, and increases engagement. We explore divergent thinking, play, fun, imagination, expansion, spontaneity, and possibility thinking.
What moves you and energizes you to make a change and do hard things?
Deep Goals
What is your vision for your life, and what are your deep goals? How can you remember who you are, what your priorities are, and live them with acceptance, focus, and self-compassion.
How can we accept and nurture all aspects of being human, and live with the complexity of paradox to integrate into a whole self? We explore our relationship with our inner critics, and explore compassion.
Who are you?! What makes you unique? How can you navigate the desire to fit in with the risk of being authentically and boldly you, owning who you are. We transform difference into opportunities to deepen connection with yourself and others, shift your own and others’ perspective, and get creative. ? We explore identity, authenticity, trust, boundaries, and borders.
What are the ideas and practices that promote your well-being? We explore gratitude, awe, compassion, empathy, forgiveness, presence, purpose, social connection, renewal, flow, and self-care.
What legacy do you want to leave? What is this all for? What and who matters to you? What experiences do you want to have? What impact do you want to make? Are these questions answerable? Or do we think by feeling and by doing? We ask big questions to explore your vision and your relationship to your vision, and develop a plan to experiment with it one day at a time.
Next Steps
Want to bring an Inner Space workshop to your organization or group? Schedule a chat below or by emailing