Different Dinners

It’s an enlivening way to bond.

It’s a social experiment.

It’s a way to learn about people and ideas that are completely new to you.

It’s expansive and deep.

It’s yummy.

It’s fun.

It’s unexpected.

It’s not for everyone.

What to Expect

Social club, learning laboratory, improv, and delicious meals all comes together in Different Dinners.

You gather a group of 6-8 people in your organization.

Throw out all expectations of what you think you know about yourself and these humans.

Before the dinners begin, I guide your group to deeply think about who and what inspires you, and why. Everyone studies what inspires each other. Past groups have explored David Bowie, the Pleiades, Padma Lackshmi, Khalil Gibran, Hilary Clinton, Sun Ra, and Starhawk ….

Then, it becomes a creative weaving of dinner theater and the exploration of ideas and meaning. Each dinner there is a guest of honor - a member of the group. Dinner by dinner, the guest of honor asks big questions to the group, and the answers come through the lips of their muses. The meal is curated. The mood is set. Dressing up to your character is encouraged. Over the course of several dinners, explorations of ideas, inspirations, and friendships emerge.

I guide and curate the process, and we digest both individually and as a group about what it all means.

The process enlivens people’s thinking, deepens relationships, shifts perspectives, eases collaboration, creates a sense of belonging, and sparks creative thinking.

Next Steps

If you are curious and excited by this social experiment, let’s do it! Schedule a chat by clicking below, or email jessica@jessicapowers.com.