Prosperity - The Workshop
Prosperity is the natural way of the world, and you can feel it and have it.
It is absolutely amazing that as entrepreneurs, your mind, decisions, and actions determine how much you make. There are no limits. So together, we dream big and expand your ideas of what is possible in a fun way.
Prosperity feels phenomenal - spacious, expansive, luxurious, easy, and free. It’s peaceful to feel financially secure, full of choice and possibility. It’s esteem-able for you to value your work. It’s amazing to be generous with yourself and others.
You deserve to have an enriching business.
What To Expect
You will get focused on what feels enriching to you, and that it’s possible to have that. We explore your inner beliefs about what you deserve, what you're worth, and what you have to offer.
In this exploration, you will cultivate a feeling of enough, valuing and loving what you do have.
We’ll identify your resistance to prosperity, and create a plan to work with your resistance with friendliness and expansion. Your explore your feelings and energy around wealth and money.
Once your beliefs and mindset are open to prosperity, the strategies and actions will flow. We will cultivate a process for growth and expansion that honors you, feels good to you, and is full of pleasure.
This is not about striving or not being good enough now. It's the joy of going for what you want and dreaming big with specific practices and actions.
Prosperity Deep Dive
We’ll explore the topics that you want to explore, such as:
Charging what you’re worth
Working with clients who pay well
Identifying, creating, or upleveling a suite of products and services that support your prosperity
Creating a manageable strategy for building multiple streams of revenue
Making prosperous choices when you’re in a money lull
Defining your value in clear and compelling ways, owning your value, attracting interest, defining your fees, and selling to clients who you love to work with
Developing a steady pipeline of prospects and having steady and stable income that keeps rising, rather than being on an income roller-coaster
Scaling to increase your impact and save your energy, charging for your value rather than your time, so you can make money in your sleep
Clarifying your approach to keeping and growing your money - and getting clear on how you’ll save and invest
Develop a prosperity plan that will create a cascade of prosperity in your life, business, and career
The Details
On your Prosperity Day, we work 1:1 to get clear and expansive.
Experience a 6 hour in-person Prosperity Day in New York.
No Prosperity Day is alike.
We start the process with your Prosperity Assessment, and then have a 60-90 minute Coaching conversation to understand your goals and to design the most prosperous day for you.
First we tend to your prosperous energy. Depending on your style, we might meet in a luxury hotel, in the woods, under the stars, before sunrise, in a place without clocks, in high fashion, at the spa, in an ashram, surrounded by cats, or in a simple but lovely minimalist space.
We create prosperity from your feelings of prosperity - whatever that is to you.
Our in-person day includes a gorgeous and healthy breakfast, a delicious lunch, and energizing healthy snacks.
The Prosperity Day includes the Prosperity Workbook, one 60 minute coaching call before your Prosperity Day to set you up for an phenomenal day, and one 60-minute coaching call afterwards to support your inspired actions and next steps.
We can customize your Prosperity Day, with options to:
Hold space in a place that makes you come alive with the feeling of prosperity.
Add coaching calls to support your accountability.
Have a virtual VIP day over Zoom.
Turn your Prosperity Day into a Prosperity Retreat for the length of time you desire, and in the location of your choice around the world (think Hana, Marrakech, Split, Ubud, and beyond).
Next Steps
If this you feel a visceral YES to the process, then schedule a call with me to explore your Prosperity Day.
It will expand you, increase your income, and give you peace of mind.
A Prosperity Day is a powerful way to propel your expansion and increase your wealth.
Your decision to partner with me will open up a cascade of awareness, action, experiments, and new opportunities.
Here’s to your prosperity!