
Offsites are a great practice in stepping away from day-to-day reactivity to look at what you want to achieve in the long-term.

Your offsite is a pathway to expansive and creative thinking. It is special time to connect with your team, and address big issues that need your attention.

What to Expect

  • Ask truthful questions

  • Listen

  • Share ideas

  • Develop closer relationships

  • Connect and reconnect around values, vision, mission, and strategy

  • Cross-pollinate ideas, and have space for everyone to be heard

  • Create buy-in and understanding

  • Make decisions about what to let go of and what to refresh or begin

  • Kick off a new direction

  • Work though challenging creative problem

  • Feel energized about the future

  • Experience deep learning

An offsite gives your people time to remember why they are doing what they do, and consider the impact your company has more broadly. Offsites are also a pathway for making work interesting, fun, connected, and meaningful.

I bring in my 15+ years of leadership and team development work to facilitate your offsite that is energizing and leads to clarity. My facilitation supports honest, provocative, and kind communication.

I collaborate with you to design an experiences rooted in your business, culture, and, people needs.

Next Steps

To explore your next offsite, schedule a chat by clicking below or email